My name is Roine Persson and I grew up on Fårö / Sweden

I am a trigger happy photographer who voluntarily go out into the night and capture our beautiful night sky, or out to the coast as the winds and waves whip against the shore.

Animals, nature, landscapes, stars and weather are what attract me to take photos.

I like to go out and find detail and highlight it with a technique called light painting.
Light painting is an art form where the flashlight is my "paintbrush". The technique involves everything from one image to perhaps 40 images and then processing and stacking them on top of each other to highlight details in both the object and the sky. There is more work at home at the computer than out under the stars.

The camera is always with me because you never know what will turn up. A nice bird, a deer, maybe a beautiful ray of light from the sun, a cool sun halo or perhaps the mysterious northern lights.

I hope to inspire you to get out into nature or maybe I'll get you to stop and look at the stars for a while so you too can experience what I'm experiencing.